
Dallas BA delegates at Rally Day 2025

A core mission of the Dallas Builders Association is advocacy. Representing the home building industry in city halls, county court houses and the state capitol, Dallas BA works to keep its members informed on regulatory issues as well as serving as a trusted information resource for public officials. Successes have included needed code changes, favorable local tax structure, more efficient permitting processes and protection from harmful ordinances and regulations.

The Government Relations Committee works as Dallas BA’s guiding component for government advocacy. Members of the GRC and Dallas BA staff often meet with area mayors and councils, chief building officials, North Texas state legislators and even congressional committee chairmen.


What is HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas?

HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas, the political action committee of the Dallas Builders Association, is an essential partner to the Association’s advocacy. It provides support for pro-housing candidates for both local and statewide offices. As state and local laws and regulations become an ever-increasing presence in your day-to-day business, HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas works to ensure that the voice of the home building, development and remodeling industry is heard by lawmakers. The strength and ability of our industry to impact public policy decisions affecting your business depends on your voluntary contributions.

Why Invest in HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas?

Investment in HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas is vital to the success of our local advocacy efforts. Changes in local and state laws could be detrimental to your business. Without the participation of HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas, decisions affecting the future of the industry will be influenced by other industries and activist groups, many of whom represent interests directly opposed to our own.

Invest in HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas and help our industry!

Donate Today!

Suggested Contribution Levels:
Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes.

  • Capitol Club – $2,500 annually
  • Lone Star Club-$1,500 annually
  • Austin Club – $1,000 annually
  • President’s Club – $500 annually
  • Senator’s Club – $250 annually
  • Century Club – $100 annually

HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas supports builder interests at the local and state level, but is prohibited by law from donating to federal election campaigns. Additionally, HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas is forbidden by state law from accepting corporate donations and, therefore, may only accept personal or non-corporate checks or credit cards. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited. There are no limits to what an individual may contribute to HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas.

For more information about HOMEPAC, call 972-931-4840 and ask to speak with Dallas BA Government Affairs Staff.
Corporate donations are not accepted. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amount indicated is merely a guideline, and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts. Members of the Dallas Builders Association, as well as their staff and family members, as well as Association staff, may contribute to HOMEPAC of Greater Dallas.

HOMEPAC contributions are non-refundable.