
Aldo Quiroga with J-MAC Metal Works is the Dallas BA Retention Rockstar for June 2020!

Aldo has been active in the Dallas BA in numerous committees for over 4-1/2 years, and the business that he and his family run has been an active member of the housing industry since2001. He wanted to get involved with the Dallas Builders Association because, “Credibility is huge. Membership within the Dallas BA gives you a standard to live up to and adds credibilityto your company. It shows you want to get involved with the building community and help where you can,” he explains. 

When it comes to retaining members, Aldo mentions that when he contacts members to renew he emphasizes that the Dallas Builders Association has grown and offered more to members over time. “It’s not just a membership,” he said. “It’s multi-layered.” Aldo has had experience volunteering with the education, membership and young professionals committees. Through these positive experiences Aldo can help members find ways to maximize their involvement and membership in ways they may not have thought of before. 

What are his suggestions to members? “Get involved,” says Aldo. “The Association gives you the opportunities to expand your knowledge and get better at what you do. It can also expand your network via a platform to generate business for your company.” Aldo has done and will continue to do great things to benefit the housing industry.