
Builders Should Remain Aware of Regional Building Code Amendments

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) completed its review of the 2021 International Code Council’s model building codes earlier this fall. The committee and its subcommittees review the codes, including the International Residential, Fire and Energy Conservation codes, to draft regionally recommended amendments that area municipalities can use as they adopt updated codes.

Dallas BA is a voting member of the RCCC and, along with other stakeholders, worked to provide amendments that help the codes focus on health and safety, while working to avoid needless requirements and cost increases. For example, Dallas BA successfully obtained a regional amendment recommendation to the IFC that adjusts the allowed height of a building in which NFPA 13R multifamily sprinkler systems can still be used, protecting against a needless cost increase that would result from requiring a full NFPA 13 system. The amendment corrects an unintended consequence that occurred in the drafting of the 2021 cycle codes and is supported by stakeholders on both sides. Dallas BA also worked for an amendment to address a pool’s proximity to a home foundation to provide for a safer installation, to safeguard against after sale warranty and insurance issues.

Recommendations for regional amendments for the 2021 IECC were also approved by the committee, thanks to the advocacy of Dallas BA staff and members. Throughout the process, the Association collaborated with fellow stakeholders to draft needed amendments to improve the effectiveness of the code and reduce the impact of resulting cost increases.

Home builders should take time to view not only the 2021 recommended regional amendments, but also the recommended amendments for prior cycles, as some cities may be on a previous cycle. If you are building in a municipality that does not make use of the RCCC recommended amendments, contact the Dallas BA Director of Government Affairs.

To view the complete RCCC amendment documents, visit the link below.


Dallas BA has recommended that all area municipalities consider adoption of the RCCC regional amendments when updating their building codes. Not only do the amendments help provide uniformity in interpretation of codes, but they also lessen confusion as home builders do work in multiple cities.