
Building Fees and Parking Code Amendments Still in Process in Dallas

The City of Dallas is deep into the process of updating building and development fees for the first time in a near decade. With the city’s Development Services Department (DSD) having received a third-party study and taking input from stakeholders, including the Dallas BA, a proposed fee schedule and ordinance was brought before the City Council for further consideration on Jan. 24.

The ordinance draft, originally brought before the city council on Dec. 13, actually saw many of those proposed fees reduced from the version that was presented in the fee study.

After hearing from Dallas BA, allied stakeholders, and city staff, the City Council on Jan. 24 agreed to further postpone the ordinance until March to allow further negotiation and needed ordinance language corrections.

Dallas BA will continue to weigh in on the collaborative effort to appropriately fund DSD needs, but with our focus on protecting housing affordability.

At the same time, a proposal to amend the city’s parking code is making its way to the City Plan Commission. The ordinance has a goal preventing Dallas from being “over parked”. However, the proposed language includes a requirement for a Transportation Demand Management Plan residential projects of 20 units or more, with additional requirements when a development hits designated thresholds.

Members who build in Dallas are encouraged to view the case information for the ordinance.

Click Here to view information on the proposed parking amendment.