
Christopher Clay is the Dallas BA December 2020 Recruiter of the Month!

Christopher Clay with 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty has been recognized as the top membership recruiter in the Dallas BA for December 2020! This is the fourth time Chris has been honored as the top membership recruiter this year.

Chris has been in the home building industry for over 15 years. He grew up in a home building family, and his father still builds homes in the Corpus Christi area. The Dallas BA is very important to him in many facets. “It’s important to me to help others in our industry be aware of the value the (Dallas) BA offers and how big of an advocate the BA is on a local and state level. It’s a win-win,” he explains. This advocacy has come to the forefront more than ever before with the COVID19 crisis, and the Dallas BA has kept the housing industry essential.

What is his secret to recruiting new members? “I ask all my clients and potential clients if they are part of the (Dallas) BA. If they aren’t, I ask them ‘why not?’ The (Dallas) BA has given me the necessary tools to be able to have an informative conversation about the value of being a member,” he says.

Congratulations to Chris!