Continuing Education

Education Cap

Continuing education classes are a great way to learn specific techniques and product currently being utilized on the job site. Along with networking with members, these three-hour classes will keep you up to date on consumer trends and help you to avoid costly mistakes.

Building a BETTER House

From Concept to Completion: Learn to Build a Better House. The Building a Better House series features diverse instructors with hands-on learning. Topics cover every step in the building process from soils and foundations to interior design trends.

Series Partners

Run a Better Project Series

Effective business processes can improve customer satisfaction and increase your financial margins. The Run a Better Project series spotlights key areas to streamline a more effective project through schedules, estimating and overall project management.

Run a Better Project

Series Partners

Ask the Builder Series

Gain hands-on insight at classes held on member job sites throughout the metroplex. This series will bring the classroom to reality with real-world tips and tricks while avoiding common traps. Learn proper installations, new methods and quality control.

Ask the Builder Series

Series Partners

Other Classes

The Dallas BA holds a variety of classes throughout the year as stand-alone courses that are outside of a series. Such classes include those held on builder’s project sites, which offer hands-on learning, or classes to keep members informed and up-to-date with new local issues and trends.

On Demand Education