
Dallas BA September to Remember Drive Kicks Off

The Dallas Builders Association’s monthlong membership drive is now underway. The Association needs help from members to identify candidates to join the Dallas BA.

“I’m asking members to spend just one hour this month to call, text or email prospects and invite them to join now,” said President Justin Webb of Altura Homes. “If we can recruit 40 new members, we will exceed our goal of 1,100 builder and associate members as we conclude this month and our leadership year. The Dallas BA has kept our industry open and essential; now is the time to strengthen our voice to confront the challenges ahead.”

This month’s drive corresponds with the NAHB offering triple spike credits and a statewide drive being coordinated by the Texas Association of Builders. Incentives, courtesy of StrucSure Home Warranty are available when members are recruited directly or a prospect joins after referral to Director of Membership Coleman Yates.

“The easiest way to ask someone to join is to tell them why you are a part of the Dallas BA,” said Executive Officer, Phil Crone. “All of the benefits are listed on DallasBuilders.org. However, it is most effective when you put it in your own words in terms of the benefits and relationships you have created here. If you’re not able to reach out yourself, give Coleman your lead and he’d be happy to call them.

Coleman Yates can be reached at 214-615-5004 or coleman.yates@dallasbuilders.com. A full listing of recruitment benefits can be found below.

Goal: 40 new builder and associate members recruited during September


  • 1 member recruited: gallon and hand sanitizer, meet board recruitment obligation
  • 2+ members: $50 Visa gift card for each member brought in
  • 3x Spike credits from NAHB
  • Annual recruitment incentives, listed below, still apply
    • 2 members – Dallas BA Power Bank
    • 4 members – $50 Gift Card
    • 6 members – $100 Gift Card
    • 8 members – $500 Gift Card
    • Appreciation dinner for all members who bring in more than 7 members in a given year (may be exchanged for an additional $100 gift card)


  • Reach out to your current contacts who are not yet Dallas BA members, verify using the Association’s mobile app or DallasBuilders.org.
  • Recruitment of past members or retention of those still pending on the June renewal list are eligible for credit. “Additional” memberships receive half credit.