
Dallas BA Makes Industry’s Voice Heard at Rally Day

Members and staff of the Dallas Builders Association on Feb. 11 traveled to Austin for Rally Day at the State Capitol.

Enduring the rainy weather, teams from the Association met with more than 30 legislators and their staff to discuss the most pressing regulatory concerns our industry has for the 89th Legislature. Covering topics from fees, to permitting, to zoning and other regulations, Dallas BA advocated for the home building industry’s needs, as well as providing examples of our economic benefit to both the Dallas Service Area and across the State of Texas.

The premier grassroots event of the Association occurs every two years when the Texas Legislature is in session.

Special Thank You to Our Rally Day 2025 Partners:

Lunch Partners:
Allen, Boone, Humphries, Robinson
Fox Energy Specialists
Hotchkiss Insurance Agency
Michael Joyce Properties

Governor Partners:
Altura Homes
Drees Custom Homes

Senate Partners:
LeComte Group, LLC
Tim Jackson Custom Homes

Grassroots Partners:
CMAC Roofing
Maverick Warranties & Insurance