
Dallas BA Offers Support for Priority Legislation in Austin

Dallas BA continues to make industry’s voice heard in Austin. After meeting with Texas Representatives and Senators from the Dallas BA’s service area as part of Rally Day in early February, a team of Dallas BA members made their way to Austin on March 24 to offer testimony before the Senate Committee on Local Government.

Joining members from other local HBAs and staff from the Texas Association of Builders, Dallas BA spoke in support of Senate Bills (SB) 1882 and 1883. Ryan Joyce of Michael Joyce Properties spoke on how moratoriums can impact residential development, as well as property owners planning for their future. Frank Murphy of Wynne Jackson spoke on the impact fee process and the need for transparency. Dallas BA’s David Lehde testified on how both bills offer can benefit housing affordability.

SB 1882 requires cities to provide more reasonable notice and opportunities for input from citizens and stakeholders before going to the extreme choice of adopting a moratorium, an action that should only be used in times of necessity and emergency.

This legislation also specifies expiration limits on moratoriums and requires that a plan be provided to address purported shortages or public utility needs before a moratorium can be extended, both being provisions that state statute already affords the commercial development sector. This would protect property owners from open-ended moratoriums that can and have occurred under the current process.

SB 1883 also seeks more transparency in the review and adoption process of impact fees. Through better public notice, along with reasonable timelines for publication of a capital improvements plan and land use study, SB 1883 allows for more thoughtful input as well as the opportunity for both municipalities and stakeholders to be assured that projects and calculations related to the imposition of impact fees are actually proportional to new development, as well as considerate of housing affordability. SB 1883 also provides a reasonable timeline before fees can increase.

Both SB 1882 and SB 1883 call for a sound majority vote by the governing authority, which is only fair given the significant increase impact fees and especially moratoriums, can have on home prices.

Pictured from left to right: Ryan Joyce – Michael Joyce Properties, Jim Carman – Howard Hughes, David Lehde – Director of Government Affairs, Dallas Builders Association and Scott Norman – CEO, Texas Association of Builders.