Dallas BA Opposes Grand Prairie Multi-Unit Moratorium
The Dallas Builders Association on Feb. 18 opposed the City of Grand Prairie’s 120 – day moratorium on the acceptance of any development related applications or permits for single-family attached, single family townhouse, single family – hybrid housing (build to rent), 2-family/duplex, 3&4 family, and multi-family apartment uses.
Offering comments for the City Council’s public hearing, Dallas BA questioned both the appropriateness and lack of data presented as justification, which is required by state statute. Dallas BA commented that, not only did the evidence presented by the city regarding facilities extended beyond capacity not actually detail specific infrastructure locations, but it also did not adequately show how any claimed increase in usage could be attributed solely to the development classifications listed in the ordinance.
Dallas BA also warned against taking such an action at a time when housing attainability challenges are already exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the economy. The Association also recommend postponing the agenda item as it was being brought for a public hearing in a meeting scheduled beyond the city’s typical 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at a time when many citizens and stakeholders were facing challenges with travel, internet access and even electrical and gas power concerns due to the week’s devastating winter storms.
Council moved the ordinance forward at first reading. Applicants for multifamily developments as described in the ordinance can apply for a waiver from the moratorium that must be voted on by the City Council within 10 days of receiving the request, per state law. The ordinance passed by slim margin at the City’s Planning and Zoning committee and will soon face second reading at Council.