
Dallas BA Voices Support for Collin County Bond Propositions

If you have driven around Collin County in recent years, you may have noticed an increase in traffic. It is one of the fastest growing counties in Texas. From 2000 to 2017, the county grew by 80% and is predicted to continue to experience significant growth.  Along with jobs and economic opportunities, comes more congestion. With that in mind, proponents in Collin County are looking to get ahead of the transportation planning curve.

Collin County residents have the opportunity in this general election to vote for 3 propositions that have the support of the Dallas Builders Association.

Proposition A provides for a $600 million bond for the construction of non-tolled freeways, aimed at alleviating congestion. These funds will not be used on toll roads. Proposition B provides for a $140 million bond for the expanding a repairing of existing roadways. In addition to transportation infrastructure, voters have the opportunity to vote on Proposition C, a $10 million bond for the construction of parks and open spaces to service growing communities. If passed by voters, the bond election will not increase the County’s debt service tax rate.

Early voting is underway now and runs through Friday Nov. 2. The last opportunity for you to vote is Tuesday, November 6, general election day.