
Dallas Builders and Developers Should Be Aware of Discussion on Parking Code Changes

Dallas BA continues to monitor the discussion regarding possible amendments to Dallas’ off-street parking and loading requirements.

In late 2019, the Dallas City Plan Commission (CPC) authorized a public hearing with the intent to consider amendments to the city’s parking and loading requirements in chapters 51 and 51A of the Dallas Development Code. The initial focus appeared to be on the overview of management mechanisms that regulate parking and offering reductions in required parking ratios. However, it has evolved into discussions that include proposed costly requirements for a transportation demand management program, an accompanying points matrix with some options that might be attainable as incentives for further reductions and other options that are just non-starters for consideration, and development design standard changes that interfere with form-based development code.

There is also a proposed green factor scoring matrix that would impact landscaping and tree preservation requirements. Many of those options appear to be provisions that would be beyond what is required in the city’s existing landscaping and tree preservation and mitigation code.

While Dallas BA understands the need for efficient travel and appropriate parking, it is important that any resulting regulations focus on actual parking requirements and not venture beyond the curb.

Members who develop and build in Dallas can review the documents and presentations from the city’s Zoning Ordinance Advisory Committee (ZOAC).


City staff recently requested that developers consider volunteering to test one of their previous projects to provide comparisons of what costs and challenges would be under the proposed changes versus Dallas’s current existing off-street parking and loading regulations. Interested members can contact Dallas BA’s Director of Government Affairs for more information.