
Dallas Builders Association Members Spread Holiday Cheer

Dallas Builders Association members pulled together in December to make sure the holidays are a little brighter — and warmer — in their communities.

Samaritan Inn
The Multifamily Builders Council (MFBC) of the Dallas BA continued their annual tradition of presenting a $5,000 donation to The Samaritan Inn as a highlight of their holiday party. The Dec. 6 contribution brings the total to more than $128,000 given to the organization over the past 25 years. 

Much more than simply a homeless shelter, The Samaritan Inn is a comprehensive program for the temporarily homeless that provides resources to help people regain their dignity and independence. 

In addition to the cash donation, the MFBC waived admission fees to the lavish party, asking guests to bring a new, unwrapped toy instead. Well over 100 toys were collected for donation to Samaritan Inn’s Santa Workshop, a program that allows disadvantaged parents to provide gifts for their children at Christmas.

Coat Drive
The Association’s Dallas Division has been organizing a coat drive for many years. This year they asked members to bring coats, socks, scarves and winter hats to their Dec. 1 lunch meeting featuring a local market forecast. Dozens of warm articles of clothing were collected and donated to North Dallas Shared Ministries, a faith-based service agency focused on improving the quality of life for people in need. A part of Catholic Charities, this group is a first responder to the community’s most vulnerable, helping those in crisis move toward a better life.

Top Photo: Dallas’s Multifamily Builders Council Vice Chair Corey Pruitt with KWA Construction makes the annual $5,000 donation to The Samaritan Inn, represented by Tracy Ferguson and Kellie Maynard.


Dallas Division Coat Drive
Dallas BA member Joe Mazza helps gather
warm winter items collected at the Dallas Division’s Dec. 1 coat drive.