
Dallas City Council Takes First Step in Providing Alternative Method for Plan Reviews

The Dallas City Council on December 8 approved an ordinance, amending Chapter 52, that is the first step in developing a private provider model for plan reviews and inspections. The intent is to establish an alternative method to supplement development services to help balance workloads and bring timely permit approvals.

The council’s action authorizes the building official to establish rules and regulations, draft requirements and implement the private provider program.

While it is a first step and there is still work to be done, city council committees are already hearing presentations and weighing in on the process. City staff will now create a legal and business framework that will define requirements and eligibility standards. There will also be an evaluation of a pilot program, while also taking input from industry stakeholders.

Use of a private provider model was a key recommendation by the Dallas Builders Association during discussions regarding the Department of Development Services realignment strategy.

Dallas BA will continue to weigh in on behalf of our members.