Certification: CAPS II – Design Concepts for Livable Homes and Aging In Place (CAPS)
There is an increasing desire among today’s home owners to live in one’s home as long as possible which has created a strong demand for products and services serving this audience. To help home owners make their home a safe and comfortable living environment for the long term, many responsive and innovative products are emerging. Likewise, service providers are answering this demand by focusing their businesses on creating new homes and renovations that provide design flexibility, pleasing aesthetics, high function and usability for all people, without regard to age, income or ability level, and regardless of life’s changes and challenges.
Additional Credit Information:
This course is approved for 6 hours of CEU credits with the Texas Occupational Therapy Association
6 AIBD CE: All face-to-face education provided by NAHB is approved by the American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) for continuing education units. Members of the Institute seeking credit must self-report by submitting a form and providing verification of attendance or completion.