
Geanie Vaughan – Happy Retirement!

Congratulations to Honored Life Director Geanie Vaughan of Lee Lighting, who has retired after 27 years in the housing industry.

She is a top 5 Spike Recruiter in the Dallas BA, with 532 Spike credits. Geanie has served as the Spike Chairman of the Association for many years. Lee Lighting, a member since 1999, is a longtime supporter of the Association, having hosted Spike Appreciation Night in numerous Novembers over the years to honor top membership recruiters. The company was also a partner for the annual membership recruiters trip and the milestone award program. Lee Lighting was also named the Clyde Anderson Associate of the Year Award Winner in 2007, and Geanie was honored with the Shorty Howard Membership Award that same year. She was elected Honored Life Director in 2008.

“When I think of Lee Lighting, I think of Geanie Vaughan,” said Dallas BA Executive Officer Phil Crone. “My first experience at the Dallas BA was helping her with the Builder Surplus Sale in 2006. Then, and throughout her career, her passion and dedication to her industry and clients made her an incredible ambassador of the Dallas BA and Lee Lighting. Thank you, Geanie, for everything you’ve done for us and best wishes for a long and enjoyable retirement.” 

She plans to spend time with her children and grandchildren and will volunteer at the local animal shelter.