
Housing Immune from Local Pandemic Restrictions

The recent surge in COVID-19 infections has renewed a longstanding feud between local leaders, specifically county judges, and Governor Greg Abbott over authority to enforce public health measures. On Tuesday, a judge granted Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins authority, at least temporarily, to impose masking requirements. The issue will surely be appealed, possibly all the way to the Texas Supreme Court.

Many businesses are concerned that this latest power struggle will rekindle memories of the frantic uncertain days last March. For the housing industry, that is not the case due to recent legislation.

Thanks to Senate Bill 968, local orders that limit or shut down housing and commercial construction activities are specifically prohibited. The bill became law in June and is now codified in Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code.

The statute is broadly written to include sales operations, suppliers and real estate services as well as title work, supply chains and product manufacturers. “Keeping the industry open and essential last year was perhaps the most significant advocacy achievement in the Dallas BA’s 75+ year history,” said Executive Officer Phil Crone. “Thanks to great work by the Texas Association of Builders down in Austin this year, we won’t have to relive that experience.”

Dallas BA members are still advised to be vigilant during the elevated prevalence of COVID-19 cases. “We’ve done a great job being part of the solution and not part of the problem from day one on this,” Crone added. “Please continue to be respectful of the individuals and businesses doing what they feel is best to protect their employees and customers.”