
John Bynum with John P. Bynum Construction is the membership Retention Rockstar for May 2020!

John has been in the home building industry for over 50 years, and he has been an active member of the membership committee for over two decades. He tells the story of why he started to get involved with the Dallas Builders Association by saying, “Early in my career I was befriended by a member of the Dallas BA who let me know I was making a mistake regarding deed restrictions on a project I was working on. I was able to correct it, and that reflects how I feel about the members in the Association. If your wagon is in a ditch, other members will be happy to help you get out,” he explains.  John has become one of the most decorated members of the Dallas Builders Association during his years of service. He is a Past President of the organization (1988), and he is also one of the highest ranking Spikes for recruiting new members with 1356.50 credits to his name. That ranks number two in the Dallas Builders Association. John also received the Prather Award, the highest honor bestowed upon a member within the Association, in 2011.

When it comes to retaining members, John mentions that when he contacts members to renew he always “calls and thanks them first and foremost for their support.” John also suggests to make sure to verify that the invoice is going to the correct person within the member company. He says, “Sometimes the person that would be able to pay the invoice never sees it. Constant follow up is key to make sure that members are able to get their renewals taken care of.”

What are his recruiting tips and tricks? “I have always asked my subcontractors to be members of the Association. It supports the industry as a whole.” he says. John is a great example to follow for all builder and associate members.