Local Governments Are Working to Keep Permitting and Inspections Going During COVID-19
IMPORTANT: In the effort to keep the housing business in safe operation, Dallas BA instructs members to keep job sites to ten or fewer individuals to maintain effective social distancing, as well as other preventive measures.
Dallas BA understands that members have questions regarding how government services related to residential construction are impacted. As of March 24, here is what we know. Keep in mind this is a fluid situation and may change.
Regarding submittals, permitting and inspections, the more common response we have seen in area municipalities is the intent of the building inspections departments to continue business operations, with the caveat that social distancing must be strictly adhered to. In most cases this means closing public office space to visitors and requiring applications to be submitted via online portals or e-mail, while some may allow drop-offs. There are municipalities that, for now, will consider pre-construction meetings for 10 people or less, builders should expect these types of meetings and communication to be facilitated via telephone.
Cities we have spoken with indicate their current strategy is to continue to deliver inspections. However, as this is a quickly changing situation, Dallas BA will continue to look for alternatives as needed.
Challenges will come in how the process relates to inspections for remodels and occupied homes. Due to the requirement to prevent staff from exposure, however, the cities we know of at this time are looking at alternative processes to keep projects going.
Another concern is how state law could impact development plat submittals. Due to state law, cities have a timeline that the review process and approval must be completed by. Obviously, in response to COVID-19, public meetings could be impacted, resulting in possible delays.
As with municipalities, special utility districts will also be impacted. With limited staff and the need to provide and maintain water and other services to existing users, other operations will be stretched, and preventing exposure to the virus, to avoid quarantine, is a priority. Due to those concerns, Mustang Water District on March 17 notified that they are temporarily suspending the setting of meters on new applications. Mustang clarified to Dallas BA that those applications and payments that were already submitted were not subject to the temporary hold. However, due to pressure on operations, there could be delays. And much like other local government entities, things could change.
With area counties and municipalities issuing Shelter-in-Place orders, Dallas BA is monitoring how this impacts our industry as well. Most orders appear to make an exemption for residential construction. Builders and developers are encouraged to contact the municipalities in which they have projects to stay up to date on what services are impacted.
Members should visit Dallas BA’s COVID-19 Response webpage at the following web address for helpful information, including industry operations, regulatory updates and helpful links to resources from agencies and organizations ranging from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and OSHA to the National Association of Home Builders. https://www.dallasbuilders.org/covid19/