
Member Action Needed on I-Code Votes

The International Codes Council (ICC) is currently holding its Online Governmental Consensus Votes. Online voting began on November 19 and concludes on December 7. The votes are to determine which code proposals to include in the 2021 building, fire, mechanical, and other I-Codes.

Dallas BA is asking that those members who have relationships with building code officials (chief building officials, inspectors, fire marshals and others) reach out to them to inquire if they are a voting member for ICC. If so, please share this NAHB 2018 ICC Group A Online Governmental Consensus Voting Guide with them.

The voting guide highlights proposals that are the most impactful on home builders and lists all proposals where NAHB has taken a position. In the colored column of each row is NAHB’s recommended action for that specific proposal including a Reason Statement justifying NAHB’s position on the proposal. NAHB has also identified critical code changes (shown in bold) that will have significant impact on the enforcement and adoptability of the Group A codes. NAHB has a “neutral position on those proposals not listed in this guide.

You can use this letter sample to communicate the guide’s purpose to your building official.