
Networking and the Dallas BA

The Dallas Builders Association has been connecting builders, remodelers, multifamily builders, land developers, suppliers, vendors, and plenty of other housing industry-related professionals for over 75 years. This tradition continues to this day in a multitude of ways.

This Association has a vast pool of members that connect in a variety of ways. The calendar has something for everybody. After Hours events happen nine times a year. These informal gatherings are a great way to get the pulse of the Association, meet people in a casual environment, and discover ways to get involved.

Special events are always a blast, and they include Casino Christmas; the entire event space is transformed into Vegas for an evening of fun! The State of the Industry Summits (Spring and Fall editions) are informative and keep members (and prospective members) informed on what’s going on in housing at multiple levels. Both the ARC Awards & McSam Awards are effective ways to earn you and your company recognition for all of your hard work.

Other events that will happen on a consistent basis are Division & Council Meetings (Dallas Division and Metro East). These meetings aim to inform members of what’s happening in their local area of expertise. In addition, these meetings are a great way to meet people in different parts of the housing industry.

One of the best ways to get involved and network within the Association is to join a committee. These committees are as follows: Membership, Special Events, Education, Government Relations, Communications, Volume Builders and Developers, and Young Professionals. Each of these committees serve a specific function in how the Association is run and attempts to meet their goals each year. The Association cannot do what it does without these committees and their volunteers.

For more information on all of the above be sure to explore the website at www.dallasbuilders.org!