
Pat Nagler with PrimeLending is the Dallas BA Retention Rockstar for August 2020! 

Pat has been a member of the Dallas BA going on seven years. She has been a resident of East Dallas for more than 30 years, and she has been involved in the real estate industry for around the same amount of time. She has been a Dallas BA board member since 2017. Pat is an incredibly active member, and she contributes in a substantial way to the efforts of the Membership and Retention Committee. She filled the position of Membership Committee Chair during the 2018-2019 year. Her role as a mortgage lender with PrimeLending has made networking a primary focus. Participating in Dallas BA events such as After Hours and the New Member Welcome Breakfast in the past to help connect new members with the Association has always been a mainstay on her calendar, too.

Pat insists that she invests her time with the Dallas Builders Association because she enjoys the people she’s gotten to know. Pat says “I’ve always enjoyed the functions we have, and the dedicated members and volunteers do a ton for the construction industry as a whole. It brings me a lot of joy.”  

Pat has gained 155.50 Spike credits for her efforts recruiting members and retaining members as a vital contributor of the Membership and Retention Committee. Her leadership and kindness are always on full display, and she makes sure to keep Association staff in touch with members she volunteers to follow up with for membership renewals.

The COVID19 pandemic has altered the business world and personal lives in different facets. When it comes to membership in the Dallas BA during these transitional times Pat believes that There is most definitely power in numbers. Be sure to remain a member because there is so much lobbying being done by the Association to help the industry keep rolling. Supporting the Dallas BA via membership is a main key to ensuring the industry stays open.”

Pat is a great example of a member who has taken personal responsibility to enhance the industry she works in via collaboration and volunteering. “Do everything you can to work with members and always prioritize working with members. I cannot emphasize that enough. It’s worth it to support your trade association and make sure that connection stays strong.”