
September to Remember Membership Leaves Positive Impression

The necessity of a strong membership base for the Dallas Builders Association has never been more important, and the September to Remember Membership Drive drove that point home emphatically. The Association grew to 1,102 by the end of September. This is the first time the milestone has been reached since 2018. It is also only the second time the Association has served 1,100 members since 2015.

Membership recruiters come from all parts of the housing industry. There are people such as James Rudnicki (Bush Rudnicki Shelton, P.C.), who asked for people to call in the Association database and got prospects to join after discussing his reasons for joining and getting involved with the Dallas BA. 

Chris Clay (2-10 Home Buyers Warranty), a first year associate member, jumped in and became very active on the membership committee; an investment of his time that is paying dividends with new business contacts. Builders including Kelly Hoodwin, CMP (Altura Homes), TW Bailey (Bailey Family Builders), Justin Webb, CGB, CGP, CMP, GMB (Altura Homes), and Donnie Evans, CGP (Altura Homes) also leveraged their connections to benefit the membership drive. 

Joshua Correa with Divino Homes was the top recruiter for the membership drive. He has been a leader on the education front within the Association, and he is always willing to learn. Joshua recruited four new members. 

Each of these recruiters will receive a gallon of hand sanitizer. Those who recruited two or more new members earned a $50 Visa Gift Card for each new member who accepted their invitation to join. 

Thanks to these dedicated volunteers and yearlong partner StrucSure Home Warranty, the September to Remember Membership Drive left a lasting positive impression by strengthening the voice of our industry. The Dallas BA is eager to serve these new members.