
The Expertise of NAHB is Always There to Help You and Your Business

A Dallas Builders Association membership helps each member in a multitude of ways. NAHB membership is included in dues for Dallas BA membership, and their expertise in multiple facets can help you and your business immeasurably. A few of these are listed below:

NAHB Provides Industry Insight and Support to Members

In addition to its broad advocacy efforts, NAHB supports its members through extensive economic analysis and research that provides insight into the housing market. These support mechanisms include thorough workforce training programs, detailed communications efforts that take the housing industry’s unique perspective to policymakers and the public, and other efforts that support these important endeavors.

NAHB’s Economics Data Helps Members Succeed

The NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index, a monthly survey of NAHB members that takes the pulse of the single-family housing market, is an industry benchmark. NAHB also provides forecasts analysis of housing starts and new home sales, and special studies on specific aspects of the housing market. 

Economic Impact Analysis of New Construction

To help members and associations make the case for this necessary growth and fight impact fees and other anti-growth measures, NAHB has developed proprietary models that estimate the costs and benefits of new home construction in a typical local area.

The analysis is available in two free reports. One examines the Income, Jobs and Taxes Generated by new construction.

Customized Analysis for a Small Fee

On a fee basis, NAHB is also able to provide customized reports on the local impact of home building related to specific projects or the impact of construction within a specific local area.

Legal Support

NAHB provides numerous legal resources for members and for state and local association staff.

While the NAHB staff counsel cannot replace your local attorney, NAHB might be able to help with legal research, litigation funding, and/or litigation strategy, depending on the situation and the issues involved.

Check out the legal resources and information that NAHB provides to members.

For more information and details please visit https://www.nahb.org/NAHB-Community/Member-Benefits/Expertise