
Transcending the Crisis

By Phil Crone, Executive Officer

Persistent optimism is one of my favorite things about this industry. Therein lies the courage to continue in the face of adversity and the ability to transcend this crisis.

Two long months ago, we were able to keep housing essential and operational. It was a close call in a couple of places, but we did it. Our colleagues elsewhere were not as fortunate. As they struggle with unemployment rates in the 20s, nearly all of our members are sharing stories about strong sales and solid traffic.

As we look forward to recovery, we need to keep a wary eye on the virus that continues to exact a terrible toll. Here, the Dallas BA has an important role to play, which means so do you.

This month, we will enhance our focus on the fundamentals of jobsite safety in the COVID-19 era. The centerpiece of our efforts is a comprehensive toolkit that provides best practices for job sites of every size. By simply filling in your company information and using the informative video in English and Spanish, you have a ready made safety plan.

Whether you are using our safety plan or similar methods, I’d love to see what you are doing on site or in your office or warehouse. If you could, send us a short video or testimonial. We are eager to share the story of why housing is essential, safe and professional. You can send these to info@dallasbuilders.com.

As of June 1, the Association has distributed more than 1,500 gallons of hand sanitizer. If you need more, you are in luck as we have plenty in stock with no quantity limits. We recently expanded this effort to include surgical and KN95 masks. Gloves will be in soon as well.

Operationally, our board recently approved a document that will help us navigate the rest of this crisis. The plan includes our steps for reopening and where our priorities shift when the situation appears to be stabilizing or improving, as it does now, and if it reverts back to the challenges we overcame in March and April.

I’m not an epidemiologist and I’m not about to join the thousands who try to play one on TV or social media. Therefore, I can’t say for certain yet when we will be able to re-engage on in person events. I hope that happens soon. The McSAM Awards are still scheduled for Aug. 29 and the State of the Industry Summit is rescheduled for Sept. 3. Keep tabs on all of our upcoming events, live and virtual, at DallasBuilders.org.

Although I don’t have a crystal ball—I think it is backordered on Amazon currently—I can assure you that we will get through this and we will do so better together. If we keep up this momentum, there is every opportunity for this to be one of our finest hours as an industry. Sure there will be bumps in the road, but, thanks to all of you and our extraordinary staff, housing is poised to take its rightful place at the forefront of our economic recovery.